32 Parking Plaza
Suite 506
Ardmore, PA 19003

College Endowment: Data Extraction and Reporting

A college endowment wanted to replace manual data entry of transactions and valuations in its IBOR with a feed from a data extraction tool. In addition, the office wanted to enhance the content and format of its investment committee reporting.

<$5 Billion
4 months to set up data extraction and IBOR integration
3 months to build investment committee reporting package
Data Management & Migration
Vendor Selection & Implementation


A college endowment replaced its Investment Book of Record (IBOR) and took that opportunity to revisit its data entry process as well as the investment committee reporting out of the new system.


The college endowment wanted to reduce the time spent on manual entry of transactions and valuations in its IBOR.


In addition, since the college endowment was already planning to rebuild its investment committee reporting due to the new IBOR implementation, the CIO and COO wanted to also invest in enhancing the form and content of the reports.


Data Extraction and Integration
UPC implemented a data extraction tool for valuations and transactions and set up a daily feed from the data extraction tool to the IBOR.


First, UPC worked directly with the data extraction vendor to produce valuation and transaction scheduled exports as well as map transaction types between the two systems.


Next, UPC collaborated with the IBOR vendor to build an sFTP integration to feed approved valuations and transactions daily. This included establishing customized feed logic for different fund types and developing email alerts to assist with better oversight of the integration.


Finally, UPC created reconciliation templates and provided training to the operations team to ensure the daily feed remained error-free.


Investment Committee Reporting
UPC worked with the college endowment to determine the list of reports to include in its investment committee reporting.


To facilitate a more efficient and consistent reporting process, UPC set up the college endowment with a single extract that downloaded all required data in bulk from its IBOR.


UPC built excel-based reporting templates using dynamic formulas to pull underlying data from the system exports. UPC iterated on the format and content with the client throughout the process.


Some examples of report templates that UPC created include:

  • Asset class performance summary
  • Geographic and sector exposure summary
  • Top contributors and detractors
  • Trailing asset class attribution


UPC created a reporting checklist and procedures to support the endowment’s ongoing report generation process.


UPC set up the automated data extraction and portfolio management integration in 4 months. The use of a data extraction tool and integration with the IBOR created a more timely and accurate IBOR dataset.


The reporting templates provided the team with a more systematized reporting process and enhanced the breath of its investment committee reporting with a minimal increase in production time.

Private Equity Manager: Deal Management and Investor Reporting

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